Specifications for natural
gas liquid products:
Fig. 1: GPA specifications for commercial propane, commercial butane, commercial butane-propane mixtures, and Propane HD-5.1
Fig.2: GPA specifications for natural gasoline.
These are "official" industry standards, representing a broad industry consensus for minimum quality products. Producers, purchasers, or pipeline companies may adopt variations of these specifications.
Quality specifications for natural gas have historically been individually negotiated and prescribed in contracts between purchasers or pipeline companies and the producer or processor. Specification parameters for pipeline quality natural gas may include heating value, composition, contaminants, water content, and hydrocarbon dew point. Specification limits for these parameters may vary widely depending on the pipeline system, climatological conditions, end use, and other factors. Example pipeline quality gas specification parameters are shown in Fig.4.
Fig.7 is based on field test data on corrosivity limits in high ethane content mixtures. The curves are approximate and should not be used for design purposes. Perry10 states that a No.1 copper strip is generally thought to represent hydrogen sulfide concentrations below 1-2 ppmw. As noted above, other research6 indicates a synergistic corrosion effect of extremely small amounts of H2S if free sulfur is present in the stream. From other observations, Pyburn et al6 report the following additional conclusions about corrosive elements in LP-gas that may affect the copper corrosion test:
1. H2S and elemental sulfur are the corrosive agents.
2. H2S and elemental sulfur act synergistically on the copper corrosion test.
3. Polysulfides may contribute to copper corrosion.
4. Mercaptans in the presence of elemental sulfur enhance corrosion.
5. Mercaptans in the presence of hydrogen sulfide inhibit corrosion.
6. To be safe, all sulfur compounds should be reduced to the lowest possible level.
7. No hydrogen sulfide should be present.
8. If any sulfur compounds are present, the product should be dry.
9. Mixing of propane or other products from two sources, both of which passed the copper corrosion test, may result in a failure of the mixture to pass the test.
10. Changes in sulfur species may occur during transit under some conditions. GPA specifications permit a maximum of 123 ppmw total sulfur in Propane HD-5; 185 ppmw in commercial propane; and 140 ppmw in butanes. It should be noted, however, that these same specifications require that the product not exceed the No.1 copper strip. If these two specifications are in conflict, the more stringent will govern. To convert from parts per million by weight (ppmw) of H2S to grains per 100 ft3, measured at 60°F and 14.7 psia, use the following formula for any hydrocarbon:
grains/100 ft3 = (ppmw H2S)(MWgas)(0.001845)
Volatile Residue
The volatile residue specification, coupled with the vapor pressure limit, assures essentially single-component products for propane and butane, and essentially two-component products for butane-propane mixtures. The predominant volatile residue in propane is butane, limited to 2.5 volume percent; the predominant volatile residue in butane is pentane or heavier hydrocarbons, limited to 2 volume percent. These compositional limits assure that 95 volume percent of the product will be vaporized at temperatures slightly above the normal boiling point of the product, which may be confirmed by a field distillation test.
Non-volatile Residue
The non-volatile residue specification imposes a rigid limit on extraneous contaminants boiling above 100°F, which may result in fouling of vaporizers used in liquid withdrawal systems. The principal sources of such contaminants are typically compressor oils, valve lubricants, plasticizers from rubber hoses, corrosion inhibitors, or other heavy petroleum products from pumps, pipelines, or storage vessels that may be used in multiple services. The specification limit is 0.05 ml per 100 ml of test sample, or 500 ppmv. The common residues in the gasoline boiling range usually present little problem in utilization systems. However, very heavy residues can be present, and must be identified and eliminated from the system. Non-Specification Contaminants
Although the range of possible contaminants in LP-gas is very great, serious problems are rare, but can occur. The most serious contaminants encountered are ammonia (See GPA Standard 2187), fluorides, and organic fluorides. NFPA 5812 stipulates that LP-gas "shall not contain ammonia," becausHYy include limits on dienes, isomers, alcohols, halides and other trace contaminants.
Regulatory codes applicable to the distribution of natural gas and LP gas require these gases to be odorized such that the gas is readily detectable by a distinct odor, at one-fifth of the lower limit of flammability of the gas in .12 An excellent
reference covering • Odorization regulations
• Chemical and physical properties of odorants
• Odorization system design considerations
• Odorization equipment and stations
• Monitoring methods
• Safety and environmental
• Odorant stability and olfactory response 4QAhas been published by the American Gas Association
Fig. 1: GPA specifications for commercial propane, commercial butane, commercial butane-propane mixtures, and Propane HD-5.1
Fig.2: GPA specifications for natural gasoline.
These are "official" industry standards, representing a broad industry consensus for minimum quality products. Producers, purchasers, or pipeline companies may adopt variations of these specifications.
The gas plant designer and operator, as well as purchasers,
will also be concerned with specifications for other plant products,
including residue gas, raw mix streams, ethane, propane,
ethane-propane mixes, normal butane, iso-butane, and plant
condensate. Although there are no "official" industry specifications
for normal butane, common commercial transactions
for normal butane stipulate that the product shall meet all
specifications for commercial butane and, in addition, be composed
of a minimum of 95 volume percent normal butane.
Common commercial specifications for iso-butane stipulate
that the product contain a minimum of 95 volume percent isobutane,
and also meet all specifications for commercial butane.
Likewise, there are no industry standard specifications for
ethane or ethane-propane (EP) mixes.
of typical quality criteria in industry use as shown in Fig.3.
of typical quality criteria in industry use as shown in Fig.3.
Quality specifications for natural gas have historically been individually negotiated and prescribed in contracts between purchasers or pipeline companies and the producer or processor. Specification parameters for pipeline quality natural gas may include heating value, composition, contaminants, water content, and hydrocarbon dew point. Specification limits for these parameters may vary widely depending on the pipeline system, climatological conditions, end use, and other factors. Example pipeline quality gas specification parameters are shown in Fig.4.
LP-gas specifications of GPA Standard 2140, shown in Fig.1, are the industry standards in the United States. International specifications, adopted in ISO 9162, are shown in Fig.5
LP-gas specifications of GPA Standard 2140, shown in Fig.1, are the industry standards in the United States. International specifications, adopted in ISO 9162, are shown in Fig.5
In many cases, specification parameters for LP-gas are
based on simple "pass-fail" test methods that can be performed
quickly and easily by field personnel. These specifications and
test methods are intended to assure products that can be
safely handled in transport systems, and that will perform
adequately and safely in their end-use markets. Unfortunately,
many of these tests tell the design engineer or plant
operator little about product composition or quantitative limits.
The following discussion is intended to provide an indication
of product composition and quantitative limits imposed
by these industry specifications.
Vapor Pressure
Vapor pressure is a critical specification that must be observed for safe and efficient utilization of propane, butane, and butane/propane mixtures in domestic and commercial installations, and to comply with various regulations governing transport vessels and cylinders.
The GPA vapor pressure specification limit for propane meets the requirements of U.S. Department of Transportation regulations by effectively limiting the ethane content of commercial propane and propane HD-5 to a maximum of approximately 7 volume percent. Any appreciable quantity of propylene, permitted in commercial propane only, would necessarily reduce the amount of permissible ethane due to the higher vapor pressure of propylene relative to that of propane.
Likewise, variations in the butane content of propane, limited to 2.5 volume percent, will impact the amount of ethane permitted by the vapor pressure specification.
Moisture Content
Moisture in propane must be controlled to very low concentrations to avoid hydrate formation in pipelines and freezing in tanks, regulating equipment, and other equipment in the distribution system.
Vapor pressure is a critical specification that must be observed for safe and efficient utilization of propane, butane, and butane/propane mixtures in domestic and commercial installations, and to comply with various regulations governing transport vessels and cylinders.
The GPA vapor pressure specification limit for propane meets the requirements of U.S. Department of Transportation regulations by effectively limiting the ethane content of commercial propane and propane HD-5 to a maximum of approximately 7 volume percent. Any appreciable quantity of propylene, permitted in commercial propane only, would necessarily reduce the amount of permissible ethane due to the higher vapor pressure of propylene relative to that of propane.
Likewise, variations in the butane content of propane, limited to 2.5 volume percent, will impact the amount of ethane permitted by the vapor pressure specification.
Moisture Content
Moisture in propane must be controlled to very low concentrations to avoid hydrate formation in pipelines and freezing in tanks, regulating equipment, and other equipment in the distribution system.
Although a properly designed and operated dehydration
system produces very dry propane, moisture can and does enter
the transportation and distribution system at many points,
such as storage tanks, loading racks, and transport vessels.
There are two recognized methods for determining acceptable levels of moisture in propane products: the GPA Cobalt Bromide Test, and the Valve Freeze method (ASTM D-2713). Both are "pass-fail" tests that provide qualitative determinations of commercially "dry" propane, but neither method yields quantitative measures of moisture in the product. The Cobalt Bromide test is based on the work of Hachmuth4, which determined acceptable levels of moisture in commercial equipment, and correlated these levels with results of the test procedure. The test is based on observation of color changes of cobalt bromide salt caused by the humidity of the gas or vapor surrounding it. In practice, the cobalt bromide is supported on white cotton wadding and exposed to a stream of propane vapors chilled to 32°F. The color of the cobalt bromide changes from green to lavender at about 30% relative humidity, indicating "wet" propane. Propane-water system data7,8,11 indicate that the water content of saturated propane vapors at 32°F is approximately 530 ppmw. The water content of saturated propane liquid is approximately 35 ppmw at 32°F. At 30% saturation at 32°F, commercially "dry" propane as measured by the Cobalt Bromide test will be about 159 ppmw in the vapors and about 10 ppmw in the liquid. Based on these specification limits at 32°F, Fig.6 gives maximum allowable water content of liquid propane at other system temperatures.
There are two recognized methods for determining acceptable levels of moisture in propane products: the GPA Cobalt Bromide Test, and the Valve Freeze method (ASTM D-2713). Both are "pass-fail" tests that provide qualitative determinations of commercially "dry" propane, but neither method yields quantitative measures of moisture in the product. The Cobalt Bromide test is based on the work of Hachmuth4, which determined acceptable levels of moisture in commercial equipment, and correlated these levels with results of the test procedure. The test is based on observation of color changes of cobalt bromide salt caused by the humidity of the gas or vapor surrounding it. In practice, the cobalt bromide is supported on white cotton wadding and exposed to a stream of propane vapors chilled to 32°F. The color of the cobalt bromide changes from green to lavender at about 30% relative humidity, indicating "wet" propane. Propane-water system data7,8,11 indicate that the water content of saturated propane vapors at 32°F is approximately 530 ppmw. The water content of saturated propane liquid is approximately 35 ppmw at 32°F. At 30% saturation at 32°F, commercially "dry" propane as measured by the Cobalt Bromide test will be about 159 ppmw in the vapors and about 10 ppmw in the liquid. Based on these specification limits at 32°F, Fig.6 gives maximum allowable water content of liquid propane at other system temperatures.
The valve freeze method was developed to detect excessive
moisture in liquid propane, and is preferred by some over the
Cobalt Bromide test. The test device is a specially constructed
and calibrated orifice valve designed to simulate expansion of
propane through a pressure regulator. A liquid sample of the
product to be tested is passed through the valve at a preset
flow rate. The time required for the valve to freeze and interrupt
flow due to moisture in the product determines whether
or not the product is commercially "dry." Test data reveals that
a freeze-off time of more than 60 seconds indicates less than
30 ppmw moisture in the liquid product. The method is not
applicable to propane products containing anti-freeze agents
such as methanol. It is also affected by the temperature of the
liquid sample.
A third method, the Bureau of Mines dew point tester, is a simple field test still used by some, but is not recommended because its accuracy is dependent on many poorly controlled variables, such as temperature and pressure of the system. This method was originally developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and is still used as a field method to determine moisture content in natural gas systems. Butane specifications stipulate "no free water." Since butane cannot be used in vapor withdrawal systems at temperatures below its boiling point, water content is not detrimental for most butane uses.
Sulfur Content
Certain compounds of sulfur must be controlled to extremely low levels in LP-gases to prevent corrosion in distribution facilities. The standard test for corrosivity is the Copper Corrosion Test (ASTM D-1838). In this test, a polished copper strip is immersed in the product sample for one hour at 100°F. The test strip is then rated by comparison with the four color classifications of ASTM Copper Corrosion Standards:
A third method, the Bureau of Mines dew point tester, is a simple field test still used by some, but is not recommended because its accuracy is dependent on many poorly controlled variables, such as temperature and pressure of the system. This method was originally developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and is still used as a field method to determine moisture content in natural gas systems. Butane specifications stipulate "no free water." Since butane cannot be used in vapor withdrawal systems at temperatures below its boiling point, water content is not detrimental for most butane uses.
Sulfur Content
Certain compounds of sulfur must be controlled to extremely low levels in LP-gases to prevent corrosion in distribution facilities. The standard test for corrosivity is the Copper Corrosion Test (ASTM D-1838). In this test, a polished copper strip is immersed in the product sample for one hour at 100°F. The test strip is then rated by comparison with the four color classifications of ASTM Copper Corrosion Standards:
No.1 Slight tarnish (light to dark orange)
No.2 Moderate tarnish (red, lavender, brassy gold)
No.3 Dark tarnish (magenta, red, green)
No.4 Corrosion (black, dark gray, brown)
Specifications for LP-gas products stipulate that the product must not exceed a No.1 strip, indicating product that is not corrosive to copper or brass fittings in the distribution system.
No.2 Moderate tarnish (red, lavender, brassy gold)
No.3 Dark tarnish (magenta, red, green)
No.4 Corrosion (black, dark gray, brown)
Specifications for LP-gas products stipulate that the product must not exceed a No.1 strip, indicating product that is not corrosive to copper or brass fittings in the distribution system.
LP-gas from some sources may contain trace amounts of carbonyl
sulfide (COS), which alone is non-corrosive. However,
COS can hydrolyze in the presence of water, either liquid or
vapor, to corrosive hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The copper strip
corrosion test requires that the test cylinder be wetted with
approximately 1 ml of water prior to introduction of the sample,
which is intended to hydrolyze the COS into H2S and ensure
detection of corrosive product. If COS is suspected,
additional product testing (See GPA Standard 2290) and treatment
is recommended to prevent its introduction into the distribution
Sulfur chemistry is extremely complex, and little scientific work has been done to correlate copper strip test results, either quantitatively or by species, with the multitude of sulfur compounds that may be encountered in natural gas liquid products. However, specific test data by Pyburn et al6 indicate that hydrogen sulfide concentrations of 0.55 ppmw or more in propane almost certainly will produce a failure of the copper strip test; as little as 0.3 ppmw might fail, depending on interpretation of the test. These data also suggest that the threshold limit of elemental sulfur is approximately 5-10 ppmw, although concentrations as low as 2 ppmw may cause failure of the copper strip test.
Additional data suggest that elemental sulfur in the presence of hydrogen sulfide results in a synergistic effect that will cause failure of the copper strip test with trace concentrations of either contaminant. Specifically, concentrations of 0.5 ppmw elemental sulfur, together with 0.28 ppmw hydrogen sulfide in propane were observed to fail the corrosion test. The threshold value of hydrogen sulfide may be as low as 0.12 ppmw in the presence of 0.5 ppmw elemental sulfur.
Sulfur chemistry is extremely complex, and little scientific work has been done to correlate copper strip test results, either quantitatively or by species, with the multitude of sulfur compounds that may be encountered in natural gas liquid products. However, specific test data by Pyburn et al6 indicate that hydrogen sulfide concentrations of 0.55 ppmw or more in propane almost certainly will produce a failure of the copper strip test; as little as 0.3 ppmw might fail, depending on interpretation of the test. These data also suggest that the threshold limit of elemental sulfur is approximately 5-10 ppmw, although concentrations as low as 2 ppmw may cause failure of the copper strip test.
Additional data suggest that elemental sulfur in the presence of hydrogen sulfide results in a synergistic effect that will cause failure of the copper strip test with trace concentrations of either contaminant. Specifically, concentrations of 0.5 ppmw elemental sulfur, together with 0.28 ppmw hydrogen sulfide in propane were observed to fail the corrosion test. The threshold value of hydrogen sulfide may be as low as 0.12 ppmw in the presence of 0.5 ppmw elemental sulfur.
Fig.7 is based on field test data on corrosivity limits in high ethane content mixtures. The curves are approximate and should not be used for design purposes. Perry10 states that a No.1 copper strip is generally thought to represent hydrogen sulfide concentrations below 1-2 ppmw. As noted above, other research6 indicates a synergistic corrosion effect of extremely small amounts of H2S if free sulfur is present in the stream. From other observations, Pyburn et al6 report the following additional conclusions about corrosive elements in LP-gas that may affect the copper corrosion test:
1. H2S and elemental sulfur are the corrosive agents.
2. H2S and elemental sulfur act synergistically on the copper corrosion test.
3. Polysulfides may contribute to copper corrosion.
4. Mercaptans in the presence of elemental sulfur enhance corrosion.
5. Mercaptans in the presence of hydrogen sulfide inhibit corrosion.
6. To be safe, all sulfur compounds should be reduced to the lowest possible level.
7. No hydrogen sulfide should be present.
8. If any sulfur compounds are present, the product should be dry.
9. Mixing of propane or other products from two sources, both of which passed the copper corrosion test, may result in a failure of the mixture to pass the test.
10. Changes in sulfur species may occur during transit under some conditions. GPA specifications permit a maximum of 123 ppmw total sulfur in Propane HD-5; 185 ppmw in commercial propane; and 140 ppmw in butanes. It should be noted, however, that these same specifications require that the product not exceed the No.1 copper strip. If these two specifications are in conflict, the more stringent will govern. To convert from parts per million by weight (ppmw) of H2S to grains per 100 ft3, measured at 60°F and 14.7 psia, use the following formula for any hydrocarbon:
grains/100 ft3 = (ppmw H2S)(MWgas)(0.001845)
Volatile Residue
The volatile residue specification, coupled with the vapor pressure limit, assures essentially single-component products for propane and butane, and essentially two-component products for butane-propane mixtures. The predominant volatile residue in propane is butane, limited to 2.5 volume percent; the predominant volatile residue in butane is pentane or heavier hydrocarbons, limited to 2 volume percent. These compositional limits assure that 95 volume percent of the product will be vaporized at temperatures slightly above the normal boiling point of the product, which may be confirmed by a field distillation test.
Non-volatile Residue
The non-volatile residue specification imposes a rigid limit on extraneous contaminants boiling above 100°F, which may result in fouling of vaporizers used in liquid withdrawal systems. The principal sources of such contaminants are typically compressor oils, valve lubricants, plasticizers from rubber hoses, corrosion inhibitors, or other heavy petroleum products from pumps, pipelines, or storage vessels that may be used in multiple services. The specification limit is 0.05 ml per 100 ml of test sample, or 500 ppmv. The common residues in the gasoline boiling range usually present little problem in utilization systems. However, very heavy residues can be present, and must be identified and eliminated from the system. Non-Specification Contaminants
Although the range of possible contaminants in LP-gas is very great, serious problems are rare, but can occur. The most serious contaminants encountered are ammonia (See GPA Standard 2187), fluorides, and organic fluorides. NFPA 5812 stipulates that LP-gas "shall not contain ammonia," becausHYy include limits on dienes, isomers, alcohols, halides and other trace contaminants.
Regulatory codes applicable to the distribution of natural gas and LP gas require these gases to be odorized such that the gas is readily detectable by a distinct odor, at one-fifth of the lower limit of flammability of the gas in .12 An excellent
reference covering • Odorization regulations
• Chemical and physical properties of odorants
• Odorization system design considerations
• Odorization equipment and stations
• Monitoring methods
• Safety and environmental
• Odorant stability and olfactory response 4QAhas been published by the American Gas Association