Dikes: Dikes are often required to contain the volume of a certain portion of the tanks enclosed depending on the tank contents.
Dikes are used to protect surrounding property from tank spills or fires. In general, the net volume of the enclosed diked area should be the volume of the largest tank enclosed (single failure concept). The dike walls may be earth, steel, concrete, or solid masonry that are designed to be water tight with a full hydrostatic head behind it. Local codes and specifications may govern construction. If more than one tank is within the diked area, curbs or preferably drainage channels should be provided to subdivide the area in order to protect the adjacent tanks from possible spills.
Many codes, standards, and specifications regulate the location, design, and installation of storage tanks depending on their end use. Selecting the proper specification and providing adequate fire protection for the installation may allow lower insurance rates over the life of the installation. A partial list of applicable codes, standards, and specifications can be found at the end of this section.
Grounding : Metallic storage tanks used to store flammable liquids should be grounded to minimize the possibilities of an explosion or fire due to lightning or static electricity.
Dikes are used to protect surrounding property from tank spills or fires. In general, the net volume of the enclosed diked area should be the volume of the largest tank enclosed (single failure concept). The dike walls may be earth, steel, concrete, or solid masonry that are designed to be water tight with a full hydrostatic head behind it. Local codes and specifications may govern construction. If more than one tank is within the diked area, curbs or preferably drainage channels should be provided to subdivide the area in order to protect the adjacent tanks from possible spills.
Many codes, standards, and specifications regulate the location, design, and installation of storage tanks depending on their end use. Selecting the proper specification and providing adequate fire protection for the installation may allow lower insurance rates over the life of the installation. A partial list of applicable codes, standards, and specifications can be found at the end of this section.
Grounding : Metallic storage tanks used to store flammable liquids should be grounded to minimize the possibilities of an explosion or fire due to lightning or static electricity.
CATHODIC PROTECTION Cathodic protection can be applied to control corrosion that is electrochemical in nature where direct current is discharged from the surface area of a metal (the anodic area) through an electrolyte. Cathodic protection reduces corrosion of a metal surface by using a direct current from an external source to oppose the discharge of metal immersed in a conductingmediumor electrolyte such as soil, water, etc.